Education Services

PIEDUC makes a difference in the educational environment by providing cutting edge services in the following areas:

  • Educational program evaluation

  • Professional Development

  • Education Policy/ Improvement

  • Customized services that help organizations attain their goals

Evaluation Services

We diagnose, strategize, implement, monitor, and report on programs. Our evaluation involves:

  1. The need for the program

  2. The design of the program

  3. The implementations

  4. The impact or outcomes

  5. The efficiency

By providing recommendations based on a strong qualitative and quantitative analysis we enable international and local organizations to attain their goals. PIEDUC will tell your organization if:

  1. A particular intervention is reaching its targeted  population

  2. The intervention is being implemented well

  3. The intervention is efficient in attaining the designed goal or benefit.

  4. The cost is reasonable with its effectiveness and benefits.

PIEDUC will prioritize design and implement viable local and national policies. We are experts in:

  • Teachers’ education and training

  • Teachers’ recruitment and retention

  • Inclusive quality education

  • Education for sustainable development

  • Adult learning

  • Guiding policy-makers and stakeholders on ways to transform education systems in a globalizing world

Curriculum Development

Our education experts have a proven track record of success in curriculum design, development, implementation, and evaluation in developing countries. PIEDUC is thus uniquely positioned to meet the needs of organizations in both developed and developing countries. We ensure that your curriculum enunciates what the learner should know, be able to attain, and be committed to achieving. We help with, how it is introduced (instituted), how it is measured (assessment), and how the system is organized (context). We help you ensure

  • Your current curriculum meets the needs of the learners

  • Your curriculum aligns with current and future needs of employers

  • The amount of subject matter is proportional to time allotted.

We believe in the following process design;-Develop-Implement-Monitor-Evaluate-Review.

TEP (Teachers Exchange Program)

The purpose of the teachers exchange program is for teachers from developing and developed countries to swap positions and learn new skills and strategies in order to improve upon the way they teach and communicate with students.

PIEDUC is a laboratory of ideas: We help communities to anticipate and respond to emerging trends and needs in education and develop education policy recommendations based on research evidence.

We want to be an international catalyst: to initiate and promote dialogue and exchange of information among educational leaders and stakeholders.